Beards of SA: These San Antonians Take No-Shave November Seriously

If you thought facial hair was reserved for hipsters...think again.

During the month of November, men across the world put away the razor and pull out the beard oil in the name of Autumn. Whether “No-Shave November” began as an effort to keep men’s faces warm or their wives annoyed, it’s become a worldwide tradition.

And San Antonio is no exception. By perusing Instagram, we found a variety of exemplary beards that display the diversity and creativity our Alamo City is known for. Keep scrolling for a scruffy gallery of standout local beards, as well as a look at how one organization is combining facial hair and a good cause.

This profile shot by @RLP Photography shows off one user's seriously sleek facial hair.

@bexaressentials posted this gem (by  @lenadelgado) with the caption: “In Texas...when it drops below 60, we layer!” Apparently, that applies to facial hair as well.

@branquiesha showing off some furry thrift store finds and matching beard.

@lorddrewzavala is “Determined to turn a vision into a reality.” Hopefully, that vision is having some killer facial hair!

“Beard game strong,” says @7hetallguy. We’re inclined to agree.

The level of cute in this photo is almost too much. (@bodslamo)

@bostonsandbiceps is showing off his biceps, but we can’t help but notice that awesome beard!

@sotoandco and @instahampaul looking classy as can be!

@rootedtrumpetphotography snapped this photo of happy couple Theron and Kelci! We can’t help but wonder if Theron’s facial hair helped him get the girl...

@cagrimm posted this gem overlooking the city views, but we’re more charmed by that full beard!

@trevorjohnson_01 says, “Cathedrals, The Alamo, and Tacos.” Add “great beard” to the list next time!

@prince_erick snapped a swanky selfie featuring one of our favorite beards on the list.

“Be confident in yourself,” says @E_iiix. It’s easy with a beard like that!

@bucklesanantonio228 might be selling fashion, but this recent Instagram mostly just highlights that awesome beard.

Well done, men of San Antonio!

Oh, and did you know? Thanks to one innovative organization, No-Shave November doesn’t have to be a surface-level event. An organization known as “Movember” is using the beard-growing phenomenon to spread awareness and raise funds for men’s health issues worldwide.

According to their website, the Movember movement will reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25% in 2030! Millions have jumped on the proverbial “mustache train”, raising $710 million to help fund over 1,200 men’s health projects in 21 countries, mainly focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.

If you’re a dude who didn’t get to participate in No-Shave November or Movember this year, be sure to mark your Fall calendars for 2018!