
9 Big Ways the 2019 San Antonio Rodeo Will Impact the Community

Curious about the 2019 San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo?

Whether you’re a curious local, an out-of-town tourist, or a bona fide cowboy or cowgirl, San Antonio’s annual world-famous, cattle-hurtling, mutton-bustin’ event isn’t just for the agriculturally savvy: it’s a full-fledged, community-wide celebration of the Alamo City, its talented youth, and its longstanding legacy of farm-and-ranch excellence.

Here are 9 ways the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo goes way, way, way beyond bull riding, impacting the local community and its youth in tremendous ways.

Image Courtesy of the San Antonio Rodeo Official Facebook Page

1. Encourages local agri-science high school programs

Directly benefitting from the widespread fame and acclaim of the San Antoni o Rodeo, local high school agricultural programs spend hours training students in various farm-and-ranch style disciplines...even in the middle of the city. A few notable standouts include magnet agriscience programs like NEISD ’s Madison High School and NISD’s Sandra Day O’Connor High School. Some of the largest in Texas, these programs allow students to raise their projects in campus barns.

2. Awards millions in scholarship funds

The Rodeo may do wonders to draw in tourists and stimulate the economy, but one of our favorite ways it gives back is through scholarship funds to local youth. Through everything from art and junior livestock auctions to the calf scramble (a local favorite), the Rodeo is ready to award $12 million in scholarships, grants, and endowments from private donors, as well as over 20 different educational partners. To date, the organization has donated more than $200 million to youth from literally all over the state of Texas!

Image Courtesy of the San Antonio Rodeo Official Facebook Page

3. Emphasizes agricultural skills and education 

Hosting one of the nation’s largest junior livestock shows, the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo goes a long way to promote educational opportunities in the San Antonio area (and beyond). In one interview Doak Stewart (Program Director of the Agriscience Magnet Program at Madison High School) said: “I think the bottom line is agriculture’s just such a great vehicle for students to study a life science through and of course the business aspect of it as well.” We couldn’t agree more! The Rodeo fosters these skills through competitions that range from agrobotics to landscaping to meat science. Kids from 150 counties all over the state dedicate incredible amounts of time and talent to raising animals and creating a diverse array of projects.

4. Gathers the whole city together

Far more than just a weekend show, the San Anton io Rodeo is an eighteen-day-long extravaganza, running from February 7th through the 24th this 2019 season. The event annually features a mind-boggling array of performances, competitions, shows, and various other attractions. Overall, the rodeo has grown into one of the largest and most anticipated events in the Alamo City, welcoming in over 2 million visitors!

Image Courtesy of the San Antonio Rodeo Official Facebook Page

5. Leaves a huge economic impact

We know what you’re thinking: 2 million visitors (nearly half of whom come from out of town) must bring in a lot of money...and you’re not wrong. In 2016, Trinity University conducted a study of the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo’s overall economic impact...and the results were staggering. The study proved that the eighteen-day event generated over $250 million for the Alamo City. Cheers to the Rodeo, y’all.

6. Invites local businesses to pitch in

Truly bringing the community together in multiple ways, the Rodeo invites local and national brands to sponsor the event. Much of the money from these sponsorships goes towards the scholarships mentioned earlier! From HEB to Wrangler, these businesses prove that their priority lies with the city of San Antonio and its agricultural programs.

Image Courtesy of the San Antonio Rodeo Official Facebook Page

7. Welcomes in all kinds of visitors to SA (including international!)

Apparently, rodeo culture is a worldwide phenomenon. Besides welcoming in folks from all over the country, the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo hosts tourists from all over the world. Curious onlookers from Australia, Iceland, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and more flood into the Alamo City to get a glimpse of the “wild west” at the AT&T center every year.

8. Mobilizes hardworking volunteers

Want to participate as a member of the Alamo City? Volunteer! The Sand Antonio Rodeo proves that SA citizens love pouring time and energy back into their community, boasting over 6,000 volunteers donating countless hours of their time (many using up valuable vacation days for the event). Opportunities vary widely in time commitment and responsibilities, so volunteers can find the position that fits them best. Overall, the tremendous impact of these volunteers measures at more than $14 million. Learn more about how to volunteer here!

Image Courtesy of the San Antonio Rodeo Official Facebook Page

9. Serves as a reminder of South Texas’ agricultural tradition

According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, approximately 15 percent of the U.S. workforce is employed in agriculture-related careers. Programs and competitions like those at the San Antonio Rodeo allow kids from urban areas to experience the joys of agricultural education, discovering early on what it looks like to pursue degrees and jobs in this field (a necessary thing, as only about 35,000 college graduates pursue agricultural-related degrees each year). This event upholds the values of South Texas’ original farm-and-ranch culture: hard, honest work and connection with the local land.

Acreage properties like 158 Pr 4732 (Castroville, TX) prove that agriculture is alive and well in Bexar County.

When asked, “What makes the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo unique?”, Communications & Public Relations Manager Lauren Sides had no shortage of great things to say. “Our event is so different…” she raved. “Though we have a smaller arena in terms of size, our rodeo production is one of the tightest and most efficient of its kind.” She also explained that, whereas other rodeos draw in large crowds with entertainment and musical performances, the SA Rodeo holds its own with actual rodeo events. “People go for the rodeo,” she said.

That being said, the Rodeo’s brand-new “Rodeo After Dark” event (a music festival right on the fairgrounds) will draw in even more crowds Thursdays through Saturdays for famous headliners, vendors, and even a mechanical bull.

Come early and stay late at theSan Antonio Rodeo.

Thinking about buying a brand new home (farm and ranch or otherwise)? Talk to a lender about your mortgage possibilities (and a KW agent to see what’s out there). Or if you just want to store up your knowledge of the homebuying process for the future, download a FREE copy of our exclusive Buyer’s Guide(created specifically for the SA-area buyer)!

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